And They Shall Speak The Words Of Poets

Eynsford, a little village in Kent, celebrated the first Arbor Day in England at the commemoration of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.
Some of the trees planted on the annual Arbor Day still remain; they were planted in such a way that the initial letter of
the name of each tree would together, form words and sentences. There were five sets of these and from the railway station
into the village on the left-hand side the following quotation from Robert Browning's touchingly poignant poem, Rabbi Ben Ezra maybe spelled out:
T - thorn
H - hornbeam
E - elm
B - beech
E - elm
S - sycamore
T - thorn
I - ilex
S - sycamore
Y - yew
E - elm
T - thorn
T - thorn
O - oak
B - beech
E - elm
T - thorn
H - hazel
E - elm
L - larch
A - ash
S - sycamore
T - thorn
O - oak
F - fir
L - laburnam
I - ilex
F - fir
E - elm
F - fir
O - oak
R - rowan
W - walnut
H - hornbeam
I - ilex
C - chestnut
H - hickory
T - thorn
H - hazel
E - elm
F - fir
I - ilex
R - rowan
S - sycamore
T - thorn
W - walnut
A - ash
S - sycamore
M - maple
A - ash
D - damson
E - elm

This site contains a wealth
of reference material
for all those interested
in native British trees.
So whether your interest
is in conservation
or forestry feel free to dip in!
Making trees matter to everyone
Trees was a five-person folk-rock band
who produced two albums for CBS in 1970
and then faded away to do other things.
a Scottish conservation charity
dedicated to the regeneration and
restoration of the Caledonian Forest
in the Highlands of Scotland
One million trees by 2010

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